The last Sunday when i went to attend the church mass, i noticed something to my astonishment. "It was an Old Bible binded aggressively (may be the third or fourth time)". The same bible had some loose pages & some were torn. These torn pieces of bible from a particular chapter have shown up in another chapter. "Oh my GOD !!!!" how on earth could something like this happen. Not even in the worst nightmares should it happen. Bible at the church, maintained by the church is so old, wrapped in card board and almost a brittle paper ready to go pieces at the slightest movement of the fingers. Its rather a very good concept and practical of course to make the bible available for those who just forget that they are going empty handed to the church.
Why are we still after these old bibles? Repairing them & tormenting them till the last squeeze and puncture of the needle would be possible. Why not go for a New One? Being aware that it is the the world's largest sold book in the largest set of languages covering the world. Its almost available at any part of the world at an almost negligible price & often distributed in free by some of the organizations.
Let us for say, consider that a new bible is purchased as and when required. But, how do we handle the Old Bibles. Should they be sold in KG for onions ( In India, old books are sold in weight for the same weight of Onions or some sugary sweet). I don't think that would be aright thing to do. Alas ! Its Blasphemy.
Is there any Institution or Organization that takes care of handling the Old Bible. If so, please let me know. Let us all join hands and come up with a solution, where in, the Old Bible gets a justified retirement, not like any other human authored book.
Please do come up with ideas & lets work towards the implementation.
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